Namely, they can treat their "signing bonuses" as capital gains rather than as ordinary income. 具体而言,“签协议奖金”可以被当作资本收益,而不是一般收益。
Our reporter Guan Xin takes a look at the life of Beijing's ordinary residents to find out if their income levels are on a par with the rising living costs. 中央9台的记者专程探访北京普通居民的生活,看看他们的收入水平是否跟得上不断上涨的消费水平。
Increasing ordinary people's income is not only meant to balance the country's economic growth structure. More importantly, experts say it allows ordinary Chinese people to enjoy a larger share of the fruit of the country's amazing economic growth. 有专家称,提高普通居民的收入不仅可以平衡国家的经济增长结构,更重要的是,在国家经济日新月异地增长的同时,也能让普通的中国居民分享到更多革命胜利的果实。
Ordinary income is taxed at rates up to 39.6% and long-term capital gains are taxed at 20% for wealthier taxpayers. 普通收入的最高税率为39.6%,高收入者的长期资本利得要交20%的税。
This perception is not a good one, as it raises concerns there might be a backlash against the rich if ordinary people do not see fairer policies, including income redistribution, in favor of those in need, and a greater contribution to society from the wealthy. 这种意识是不健康的,因为如果普通人看不到包括收入再分配、兼顾低收入群体和先富带后富等公平的政策,将会有导致激烈社会冲突的危险。
The remainder would come from taxing so-called "carried interest", or the profits generated by private equity executives, hedge fund managers, and property investors, at the higher ordinary income rate, rather than at lower capital gains rates. 其余额外财政收入将来自按照较高的普通所得税率(而非较低的资本增值税率)对所谓的“附带权益”(私人股本业高管、对冲基金经理和房地产投资者的利润)征税。
This is a volatile data set: even the bigger companies can see double-digit percentage swings from quarter to quarter in aggregate ordinary profits ( operating profits plus interest and non-operating income). 报告中的这组数据波动较大:即便是大企业,其综合经常利润(经营利润加上利息和非经营收入)的季度环比变幅,也可达到两位数。
But Republicans have said this money should come from curbing deductions and tax breaks rather than ending Bush-era tax cuts on ordinary income for the rich. 但共和党人表示,新增税收将主要来自限制税收减免额度,而非终止布什时代出台的针对富人一般所得的减税措施。
Next, Mr Obama could back the equalisation of tax on investment income and ordinary income. 接下来,奥巴马可以支持投资收入和普通收入的税收均等化。
The money I got was a useful supplement to my ordinary income. 我得到的那笔钱是很管用的外快。
But anyone investing in such bonds should try to do so in a tax shelter like an IRA or401 ( k), as bond coupons are taxable as ordinary income. 不过任何对这类债券有兴趣的人都应该在IRA或401(k)等可以减税的计划中进行,因为债券息票和普通收入一样也是要交税的。
This individual has been sold a year acquisitions ordinary residential living only need to pay stamp duty and income tax. 也就是说个人出售已购并居住一年的普通住宅,只需要缴纳印花税和个人所得税。
He supplements his ordinary income by writing books. 他以编写书籍来增加日常的收入。
High marginal rates on individuals along with a substantial capital gains differential encourages them to devote a disproportionate amount of their time that could be used more productively to the problem of converting ordinary income into capital gains. 过高的个人所得税边际税率,以及所得税与资本增值税的巨大差异,促使他们把过多时间耗费在把普通收入转变为资本增值的问题上。
Supplement one's ordinary income By writing Books 著书以增加正常的收入
It would also leave many of the rich and especially the super-rich paying more, despite lower marginal rates, because it calls for capital gains and dividends to be taxed at the same rate as ordinary income. 许多富人、尤其是超级富豪也会因此缴纳更多的税尽管边际税率降低了因为该方案要求对资本利得和股息征收与一般收入相同税率的税。
Gains on "capital" assets are taxed at lower rates than ordinary income. 与正常的收益相比资本资产的盈余是按较低的税率纳税。
Under this, half of the goodwill on financial sales would be taxed as ordinary income. 根据该方案,归于商誉的那部分出售所得,一半将被视作普通收入征税。
Profit growth also accelerated, more than doubling from the first quarter to 10 per cent for ordinary profits ( operating profit plus interest and dividend payments and income from investments). 利润增速也在加快,企业的普通利润(营业利润加上利息、股息付款以及投资收益)比今年第一季翻了一倍,达到10%。
The money I get from teach the piano is a useful supplement to my ordinary income. 我教钢琴挣的钱是一笔很管用的外快。
This is way too expensive for ordinary residents with an average monthly income of2,000 yuan. 这对于平均月收入2000元的普通居民来说高得实在离谱。
The best way of looking at carried interest is as a performance-related fee for investment and management services, which there is no reason to treat as other than ordinary income. 看待附带权益的最佳方式是,把它当作与业绩相关的投资和管理服务酬金这样就没有理由不把它视为普通收入。
Adherence, by virtue of accession to the Protocol supplement one's ordinary income By writing Books 通过参加议定书而加入著书以增加正常的收入
It will be impossible if economic benefit departs from the relationship of economic benefit that is the most basic and ordinary relationship, and the situation of social income distribution influence the achievement of social economic benefit. 离开经济利益关系的经济关系是不存在的,经济利益关系是人类最基本的最普通的关系。而社会的收入分配方式与状况又对人们社会经济利益的实现产生主要的影响。
The prominent contribution bonus is a innovation spot in compensation management practice of Yellow River Cigarette Factory in recently years, which arouse staff's work enthusiasm to promote enterprise development through expanding the essential post and the ordinary post staff's income assignment disparity. 突出贡献奖是它通过重奖有突出贡献的员工适当拉开关键岗位与普通岗位员工的收入分配差距来调动员工的工作积极性,从而推动企业发展。
The financial income of English Tudor Dynasty consisted mainly of two parts: ordinary income and extra ordinary income. 都铎王朝财政收入结构由普通收入和非常收入两部分组成。
In recent years a lot of senior mangers in Service Multinational Enterprise are listed on top of the billboard with their extremely high annual salary. High, middle and grass-roots level managers and ordinary income disparities and growing income gap between workers. 近年来众多服务业跨国公司高级管理者以其天文数字的年薪名列收入排行榜前列,高、中、基层管理者收入悬殊并与普通员工收入差距日益扩大。